BCEC Spring 2022 Recruitment
As the External Vice President of UC Berkeley’s Business Careers in Entertainment Club (BCEC), I led a comprehensive two-week marketing campaign to promote the organization's Spring 2022 recruitment drive. Overseeing the entire process, I coordinated the creation, distribution, and approval of more than 40 assets across 8 distinct social media posts. This initiative resulted in a remarkable 9.4k% surge in Instagram followers within a 7-day timeframe and a record-breaking 175 applicants for the club in a single semester.
Recruitment Poster
The primary recruitment poster was inspired by the Y2K trends prevalent in Gen Z pop culture throughout 2021. Seeking to infuse BCEC's visual identity with a fresh perspective, I opted for a stripped-down, scrapbook-style design infused with vibrant colors. This approach aimed to steer the organization towards a novel and visually engaging creative direction that reflected the unique artistry of its members.
Leadership Introductions
In crafting the social posts spotlighting each member of the Spring 2022 BCEC leadership cohort, my aim was to accentuate the club's camaraderie by highlighting each member's cherished memories within the organization. Instead of opting for conventional professional headshots, I chose photographs that captured the distinct personalities of each member, catering to the preferences of college audiences.
Committee Projects and Recruitment Handbook
As part of my efforts to cultivate a more inclusive and accessible recruitment process for prospective members, I curated social media posts that delved into each committee's projects, outlined the qualities sought by committee directors in ideal candidates, and provided helpful tips and information for interviews and applications.